I have a theory. It’s not even close to scientific, but go with me on this…
There are three types of people:
*Those who organize all year long
*Those who never organize (They eventually end up on an episode of Hoarders with a bulldozer in front of their house.)
*And those who organize at the beginning of the year.
I’m in the last group. I mean, who can resist all those post-New Year’s Day commercials advertising a Rubbermaid container sale???
Not me.
Now, our house has a gob of areas that need organized, but the messy piles of rings, earrings, necklaces, and bracelets scattered around our bedroom has been bugging me for ages, so I figured I’d tackled those first.
Now let me say, I’ve done this before.
I’ve bought countless trays, holders, boxes, cabinets, and those crazy bracelet hangers from Bed, Bath & Beyond, but nothing has been quite right.
And that whole, “The matching earring has to be here somewhere’ mantra I chant every morning is beyond irritating.
No one has time for that nonsense.
Researching The Options:
I’m not sure why but pegboard had been floating around my head for a while. (Probably because it was one of the few things I hadn’t tried.)
I didn’t really know how it would work, but I figured it was worth a Google search.
This link popped up on the very first page.
Oh my gosh! Is this girl fabulous or what!
Consider me sold. (Link below for pegboard)
I mean, I love Ikea as much as the next girl and whoop! whoop! there is a store right down the street from my house. (Location is important when you know one trip will likely turn into three to pick up forgotten parts and pieces.)
The Install:
Disclaimer alert… The install was not as easy as she made it look.
There are roughly 20 holes in the wall behind the boards, but since I can’t see them I plan to ignore them.
Of course, the couple who buys our house will likely trash talk the crazy rednecks who thought it was a good idea to hold target practice in their bedroom, but who cares.
And Stanley did not hang out to lend moral support. More like he hid in the living room to escape all the drilling.
One Challenge
The earring board required the most work since none of my current cards were the same.
I’m not super crafty, but I tapped into my hidden Martha Stewart and went to Michael’s.
Cardstock and a couple of hole punches (a big one for the peg hanger and a smaller one for the earring posts) took care of that problem. I also invested in a paper cutter, because I’m OCD enough to know I wouldn’t be happy if the card sizes were all different and wonky.
Honesty alert… Because I installed the boards behind the bedroom door there wasn’t room for the cute plastic bins which I had hoped could store rings. So, I still use my jewelry box for those.
The Fun Part! Putting Everything Away
A cause for celebration… I had mentally prepared to purge a bunch of pieces. But the boards hold so much more than I had anticipated. In the end, I donated maybe 20 bangles I hadn’t worn in forever, and a few other random items that no longer fit my style. Overall, not much of a hardship.
Still Great Two Weeks Later
At this point, the boards are a couple of weeks old and I can’t believe how much I love them. Even better, it is so easy and fast to find stuff.
Even more exciting, I’m wearing pieces that haven’t seen the light of day in ages all because everything is oh-so visible now.
Moral of this tale… the two hours and $149 investment was well well worth it!
If you decide to play with pegboard, I’d love to hear how it goes.
Or if you have some brilliant tips and tricks for keeping tabs on your jewels, please share.
‘Til next week.
Hugs and Happy Shopping.
Love organizing? Check out Easy Tips To Organizing Your Closet.
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