Work Style

Damn Girl! Your Legs Look Amazing!

December 11, 2020

How To Dress For Your Body Shape
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I'm Angela

Welcome! I'm so glad you stopped by. Make sure to check back every Friday for a new style tip. Our goal is to help you go from, I have nothing to wear to having a closet packed with items you love that fit and flatter.

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Make a Brilliant Impression

Steal My Cheat Sheet

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The Magic Starts Here:

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Link To Body Shape YouTube Video

No Fruit Salads:

We look at body shape differently around here. We don’t refer to ourselves as apples, oranges, bananas, walnuts, or whatever. We don’t talk geometry – hypotenuses, triangles, or trapezoid mumbo-jumbo. Between you and me, I barely made it out of that math class the first time – I’m certainly not excited to revisit it.

Why Not?

Yeah! I’m so glad you asked!

It’s simple really, using those terms keeps our focus on what we don’t like about ourselves. And creates (or fuels) a negative mind-set about our figures. Suddenly, fashion isn’t fun. We’re dressing to conceal and hide instead of dressing to celebrate.

Now… I’m not some delusional Polly-Anna. We all have spots we’re not dying to show the universe. But, one thought on that – it’s totally possible to concentrate on the positive first while distracting from less favorite areas. And that’s really the goal.

The shift doesn’t happen overnight. Years of comparing ourselves to others, shooting for perfection, and being hyper-critical takes a bit to change.

But it can happen. And it’s way easier than you might think.

When we dress to celebrate our favorite feature it literally changes everything! It improves our self-esteem. Our self-confidence. And brings back the joy of clothes. Instead of being a chore, you’ll actually be excited to get dressed in the morning.

Pick Your Favorite Feature:

The first step is for you to choose your favorite feature and learn the styles that accentuate that feature.

(The most popular features are exactly what this series that will drop over the next few weeks is all about.)

And yes! You can have more than one favorite. In fact, if that thought popped into your head, know I’m standing up applauding you right now!

No Hoochie Mamas:

This week we’re focusing on legs. But, loving your legs and wanting to accentuate them doesn’t mean filling your closet with skirts so short you can’t bend over without flashing your panties.

Nope. Instead, accentuating your favorite feature is more subtle and way more versatile than that.

The attached cheat sheet will get you started. It highlights just four of the many many styles and accessories that’ll have your beautiful legs looking even more rockin’.

Steal Your ‘Legs’ Cheat Sheet Here:

Yes! Give It To Me!

A Closet You Love:

Our goal is to help you create a closet you love. And in order to make that happen, everything hanging there needs to fit and flatter your body shape.

And that’s when life gets great! When you walk into your closet and realize you can grab anything and it’s going to look brilliant on you and have you walking out feeling like a gazillion bucks!

Pop A Bow On It:

I can’t wait to hear from you. If you’ve chosen your legs as your favorite feature be sure to shoot me an email or leave a comment below.

And if you’re waiting to see which feature we chat about next week (ssshhh – it’s gonna’ be your bust), make sure you’ve signed-up for our newsletter, so you don’t miss any of the goodness.

‘Til next time.

Hugs & Happy Shopping.

Our Style Addiction - Angela

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Hi! I'm Angela. High-achieving Petites hire me to create a closet full of clothes they love to wear.

After working as an executive in the fashion and beauty industry for over 20 years, it became clear, successful Petites needed more than a personal shopper or a random influencer on Instagram telling them to buy the latest trendy jeans.

They needed a step-by-step approach to Petite Style. And that’s why I created the S.P.A.R.K. style system.

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